Featured in newest Cadence Marketing Brochure

Thank you cadence for making me one of their top featured linguist in their newest brochure. I am quite Proud to be the only Indonesian and also the only Trilingual on the list. Cadence is one of the International Interpreter Agency that I was working with since 2015, and it was the one that gave me my first remote interpreting experience.

*my profile as written by cadence team.

Although most of my works with cadence involved Market Research Interview for Indonesian Market, but sometimes I also got a several interesting topics from them such as Gaming Industry, Bio Tech Industry etc.

*the list of the top linguists that they picked in the brochure.

I cover 3 language pairs for them :

  • Japanese – English vice versa
  • Japanese – Bahasa Indonesia vice versa
  • English – Bahasa Indonesia vice versa