Certified Cadence Interpreter

This is my 2nd post regarding cadence, and proudly to say that I am a Certified Cadence Interpreter now. A little bit about cadence, it is an interpreter service agency that mainly deals with due dilligence and market research project. You can visit them on www.cadencetranslate.com

A few months ago, cadence tried to separate their interpreters level. In order to do that they put a test to their interpreters, and the one who passed the test will be marked as a certified cadence interpreter.

It was very straightforward to get certified :

  • You submit a resume with cover letter to explain why you consider yourself worthy to get this certification.
    Some may have different opinion, but for me a good resume is between 2-3 pages long.
  • You go to their affiliate website to make a recorded interview.
    You will be asked several question and then you need to record your answer and submit your video, the web system will handle all of the video submission process. Some questions didn’t allow you to retake the video, and some questions such as what is your strength and weakness can be re-recorded for up to 2-3 times.
  • You make appointment to do 1:1 interview to once again explain about your specialty, what industry that you’re good at, your experience interpreting difficult clients, etc.
  • Wait for the result.

Kudos to cadence for always upgrading and improve their system.